It Gets Better....
Not only do I have to take a Math class that I do not need, today I sat for 20 min with the rest of the class waiting for an instructor!!!! What am I paying for?
Not only do I have to take a Math class that I do not need, today I sat for 20 min with the rest of the class waiting for an instructor!!!! What am I paying for?
By creating an arbitrary cut off on standardized placement testing without any regard for extenuating circumstances.
I took the SAT's in 1999 and scored ~12-1300 (I do not have it in front of me and the exact score does not have a bearing on my point) One year ago I enrolled in the University of Northern Colorado to finish my education and gain knowledge that I feel will be necessary to ascertain my life goals. I took 13 credit hours and finished the year with a 3.75 GPA. In the spring I made the decision to relocated to Denver and transfer to Metro State College of Denver. All of my credits transferred over with no question but I was advises that I would need to complete a math and English assessment since it had been over 5 years since my SAT's. Somehow I lost ~200 points (the approximate difference between my SAT math score and the CO cutoff for the course I need to take) worth of SAT math knowledge over that period of time? After taking the test twice, the maximum number of times, I scored and 84. The cutoff for the class I need to take is an 85 or better. Now I am stuck with taking remedial math, which I am sure will be no problem only a waste of my time and money, all because the State of CO will not allow the Math Department freedom of judgment in this area.
I may have one last hope, I could take the course at UNCO. I do not know if they would let me, and I would have to drive to Greeley from Denver. Not sure if it is worth it.