Tuesday, March 18, 2008


F Bernanke! These cuts are no longer helping anyone who needs it.

"It undercuts the attractiveness of the U.S. dollar, which leads to higher food, energy and gold prices." From the link above. I fing knew this was going to happen!

"It's a bit ironic, and not a little sad, that government has come to believe it has to fight fire with fire. The Fed, whose leaders are appointed by the president, is essentially trying to battle problems created in an era of overly cheap money and loose lending by making money even cheaper and lending even more aggressively."

The problem with this is that the banks are in panic mode and not really lending to anything but perfect apps.
Everyone is so distracted by expensive fuel and how to be more efficient that they have not realized that the government is causing our $ to be effectively less efficient! Thanks!
Is any viable candidate talking about this? lol

The question is how are the oil barrens who are running things going to profit from the weak $? How much do they have in foreign currencies / gold? Will they try and "help" our $ out by converting their foreign investments into domestic ones and making a nice profit on the side after they hit the fiscal policy correction button?


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