Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Stop the insanity

9 and 10 yr old Students Arrested Over "Violent" Stick Figure drawings

Does this mean that if I draw a political cartoon of a world leader being killed that I am an assassin? What about if I make a painting of a hunter shooting a endangered species or hunting on private property?
Of course there are psychological reasons behind what people say or do but does this mean that we should assume nobody (even a child) can separate fantasy from reality? I think it would have been more appropriate to have involved a psychologist that the Police. Which would be a better experience for a 9/10 yr. old child, taken out of school in cuffs or talking to somebody who could evaluate the seriousness of the problem?
I know a 3 yr. old boy who likes to play swords and "power rangers", should he be condemned as a criminal now or perhaps encouraged to take fencing and martial arts?


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